Zabrina's dogs


This is our sweet "retired" Labrador Retriever, who just turned 10 years old. She lives for swimming in any body of water and enjoys lounging by the firepit. Jill helps with distraction work, with her calm and confident personality.


This is our triple "S" dog: sweet, smart and stubborn. River is 3 years old and loves EVERYONE! She helps with distraction work and demonstrates obedience commands. Her favorite toy in the world is her stuffed duck. She falls asleep with it in her mouth every night.


This sweet girl was rescued in December of 2021 at approximately 10 weeks old. Washta, which means "good" in Siouan, is a German Shepherd mix that just fit right in with the family. She is in the process of learning all of the obedience commands and helps out as both a distractor and demonstrator. Her favorite toy in the world is a soccer ball.